Here you will find links to literature, web pages and other relevant resources. Resources will be added as the project progresses.
Links to relevant literature
- Self-management andHeAlth Promotion in Early-stage dementia with e-learning for carers (SHAPE): study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Testad I, Anstey K, Selbaek G, et al
- A pilot randomized controlled trial of a self-management group intervention for people with early-stage dementia (The SMART study). Quinn C, Toms G, Jones C, Brand A, Edwards RT, Sanders F, Clare L.
- Promoting health in early-stage dementia: evaluation of a 12-week course. Buettner LL, Fitzsimmons S
- A Review of Self-Management Interventions for People With Dementia and Mild
Cognitive Impairment. Quinn C, Toms G, Anderson D, Clare L. - Systematic review of services providing information and/or advice to people with dementia and/or their caregivers. Corbett A, Stevens J, Aarsland D, Day S, Moniz-Cook E, Woods R, Brooker D, Ballard C.
- Effects of Self-Management Groups for People with Dementia and Their Spouses — Randomized Controlled Trial. Laakkonen ML, Kautiainen H, Hölttä E, Savikko N, Tilvis RS, Strandberg TE, Pitkälä KH.
- Health promotion by social cognitive means. Bandura A
- A systematic review of Internet-based supportive interventions for caregivers of
patients with dementia. Boots LM, de Vugt ME, van Knippenberg RJ, Kempen GI,
Verhey FR.
Links to national dementia plans
The Norwegian Government, National Dementia Plan 2020: A more dementia friendly society. 2015
Links to posts related to the project
- Alzheimer’s Society, United Kingdom
- The Public Health Agency (PHA), Northern Ireland
- University of Exeter, United Kingdom
- Stavanger University hospital, Norway